Securite Securite Securite: Project Ship2Shores invites you to tune into Holiday Radio Friday November 27th 2020 at 1930 for an evening of games, film and fun. Share a picture and paragraph about your favorite water memory or coastal landmark to be entered into a draw to receive your Restricted Operator’s Radio Certificate, free of charge!
Coastal landmarks or water stories should be submitted in the following format:
- A photo of the landmark or place (hi resolution png or jpeg format)
- 1 paragraph about the landmark or memory
Please send submissions to [email protected] by Friday, November 27th at 12pm. at noon in order to enter the draw.

Violet CaiProject Leader for Recruitment, Member for Social Media, Colouring Book & Blogs and Publications
Violet Cai is a member of the National Skippers Council and is the project Leader for Skippers Council Recruitment. She is a second year environmental politics student at McGill University. In her spare time, Violet enjoys volunteering, reading non-fiction, watching doumentaries, collecting houseplants and petting cats. Her love for sailing started in 2019 when she sailed in the International Tall Ship Races in Norway, she hopes to continue sailing more in the future.
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