Indigenous Drumming, Songs and Storytelling, March 7, 12 pm EST
Join Chantal Chagnon as she shares Traditional Drumming, Songs, Storytelling, Indigenous Culture, History and Traditional Teachings. Drums carry powerful significance in Traditional Aboriginal culture. Drums are used for healing, ceremony, and celebration, and each song and drum beat carries the messages and intentions of our ancestors. Drums are a traditional instrument found in all indigenous cultures throughout the world. Participants will learn about the hides in relation to the Medicine Wheel and how the drums and drumsticks are made. Chantal shares the significance and history of various drum weaving styles in connection to the nations and lands they originated from, the culture behind each style, and how each style teach us lessons we can relate to our own lives.

Chantal ChagnonSinger, Drummer, Artist, Storyteller, Actor, Educator, Workshop Facilitator, Social Justice Advocate
Chantal is a Cree Ojibwe Métis Singer, Drummer, Artist, Storyteller, Actor, Educator, Workshop Facilitator, Social Justice Advocate and Activist with roots in Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Saskatchewan. She shares Traditional Indigenous Songs, Stories, Culture, History, Arts, Crafts and Teachings. Chantal has presented at Conferences, Conventions, Galas, Fundraisers, Community, Social Justice Events and in Classrooms from Preschool through University. She has performed at the National Music Centre, Saddle Dome, Jubilee Auditorium, Jack Singer Concert Hall, and many other stages showcasing Traditional and Contemporary Indigenous Music, as well as Modern Music in Collaboration with various Bands and Artists. Chantal aims to entertain, engage, enlighten, educate, and inspire everyone she meets.
A single mother of two boys, and adopted twin girls, she understands societal struggle first hand. Chantal has been an activist, advocate for her community, professional performer and a staunch crusader for causes close to her heart. She is active within many social justice causes, including Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW), Women’s Rights, and Environmental Initiatives. She regularly organizes events and shares, singing, drumming, speaking, presenting, and teaching within the community, with a focus on building allies and alliances. Chantal Chagnon is passionate about building awareness and sharing understanding of Indigenous culture, spirituality, social justice and political issues. She creates opportunities for cooperation, education, and empowerment everywhere she can.
Chantal recognizes sharing culture and building community is an integral part of building bridges of understanding and acceptance. Chantal is a compassionate woman, who believes that a healthier, fairer, more sustainable Canada is possible as we make decisions for future generations to come.
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