How do marine operators, coastal engineers, and ocean researchers know the marine conditions they’re working in? How do we understand the impact of human activity and climate change on our oceans? Victoria-based company MarineLabs‘s mission is to support these questions. MarineLabs provides real-time data to optimize how society interacts and adapts with the changing ocean. If you’re interested in learning more about marine technology, join Ships2Shores for a conversation with CEO Scott Beatty, who will take you through his journey to starting MarineLabs and the cutting-edge advancements the company has made to ensure we protect and safely interact with our oceans.

Scott BeattyCEO, MarineLabs
Dr. Beatty has over 15 years of R&D experience as an ocean engineer, researcher, and technology development leader. At University of Victoria, he managed teams in the design, analysis, and deployment of wave measurement instruments and wave energy converters in oceans and wave tanks. As a consultant, he helps International governments decide how to invest in marine technologies. He’s developed, patented, and authored publications and International standards in wave energy conversion. Dr. Beatty has a demonstrated track record in the execution of ambitious ocean technology development efforts and is leading MarineLabs in the execution of their vision.
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